Principal Mrs Sharon Okmasich
Deputy Principal Mrs Kerry Giles
Phone: 08 8566 2008
Fax: 08 8566 2760
Street Address: Mildred Street, Kapunda SA 5373
Postal Address: PO Box 500, Kapunda SA 5373
Partnership Goyder & Light

Feedback and complaints

Let us know if you have feedback or a complaint, or if you want to give us a compliment. Feedback is valuable as it helps us shape our services to meet your needs.

If you do not feel that we are meeting your child’s needs and that a resolution has not been reached, you do have the right to discuss this with the DECD Complaints Team. They will work through any identified concerns with the school and advise you of the processes that can be followed. Link to DfE Complaints web page.

Enquiry Form